Best Live Streaming Platforms: Facebook Live vs YouTube Live vs Instagram Live

May 24, 2022


Live streaming has become a buzzword lately, and for all the right reasons. It is an effective way of engaging an audience and creating content that feels authentic and unscripted. It's no wonder social media platforms are competing to provide the best live streaming experience to users. But with so many options out there, which platform should you choose? Let's compare three of the most popular live streaming platforms - Facebook Live, YouTube Live, and Instagram Live.

Facebook Live

Facebook Live was launched in 2016 and has since become one of the most popular live streaming platforms. According to Facebook, the platform has 2.8 billion monthly active users. That’s a significant audience potential.


  • Facebook Live allows live streaming from both mobile and desktop devices.
  • It offers multiple options for sharing the live stream, such as posting it to your page, sharing it in a group, or embedding it on your website.
  • Facebook Live allows users to see viewer comments and respond to them in real-time, which can improve engagement.
  • It also has a feature to save the live video to your profile after the live stream is over, so that others can view it later.


  • Facebook has faced numerous data privacy issues in recent years, which could make viewers hesitant to use the platform.
  • Facebook algorithms determine which content appears on users' newsfeeds, so it can be difficult to get the necessary audience reach without paid promotions.

YouTube Live

YouTube Live is YouTube's live streaming platform, and it has been available since 2011. YouTube boasts over 2 billion monthly active users worldwide.


  • YouTube is the most popular video search engine, with billions of people visiting the site every day; hence, there's an already-established audience potential.
  • It offers unlimited broadcasting length, so users can stream as long as they want.
  • YouTube Live provides a live chat feature in real-time, allowing creators to engage with their viewers.


  • To live stream on YouTube, a user must have at least 1,000 subscribers, which makes it difficult for new users to leverage their audience.
  • Archives of live streams disappear after a week, which doesn't provide a long-term value for users.

Instagram Live

Instagram Live is the live streaming feature of Instagram, and it has been available since 2016. According to Instagram, it has over 1 billion monthly active users.


  • Due to it being integrated into Instagram, it's the best option for creators who rely heavily on Instagram for their content.
  • It provides an ephemeral experience as Instagram Live videos disappear after 24 hours.
  • There is an "Add" feature that lets you invite a guest speaker to your live stream.


  • Instagram Live does not allow for desktop streaming, which can be a disadvantage for some creators.
  • It does not allow you to save the video once the live stream is over.


Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages. Facebook Live has the largest potential audience, but its data privacy issues could make some viewers hesitant. YouTube Live is the most popular video search engine, but it has strict requirements for users. Instagram Live is best for creators who rely heavily on Instagram for their content. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference, and you must assess your business's audience and your requirements for a live streaming platform.


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